vanadhy praudha
बंध्याकरण = CASTRATIONउदाहरण : ब्लात्कारियों का रासायनिक बंध्याकरण कर देना चाहिये ताकि फिर ब्लात्कार ना कर सके
Usage : rapist should have chemical castration to avoid further rapes.
Usage : rapist should have chemical castration to avoid further rapes.
(Noun) +17
वंध्यीकरण = STERILIZATIONउदाहरण : स्त्रियो की वंध्यीकरण की एक प्रक्रिया जिसमे डिम्बवाहिनी नलियो को शल्यक्रिया के द्वारा बाँध दिया जाता है।
Usage : A sterilization is done by sterilizer, or by chemical agent.
Usage : A sterilization is done by sterilizer, or by chemical agent.
(Noun) +12
वंध्यीकृत = STERILIZEDउदाहरण : मादा के लिए प्रतिस्पर्धा करने हेतु विकिरण से वंध्यीकृत नर कीट छोड़ना।
Usage : it is safer and simpler for a man to be sterilized because the male genetalia, unlike that of the female is external.
Usage : it is safer and simpler for a man to be sterilized because the male genetalia, unlike that of the female is external.
(Verb) +4
वंध्यीकृत = STERILISEDUsage : genetic control by releasing male pests sterilised with x - rays to compete for females.
(Verb) +3
वंध्यीकरण = STERILISATIONUsage : For, the less its frequency in the original population the more difficult its elimination by sterilisation or selection.
(Noun) +2